Ekomobilnost - Ecological passenger and commercial transport

ECOMOBILITY - sustainable mobility for a better future

Ecomobility is an event that is being held for the second time in Belgrade, in cooperation with the Serbian Association of Importers of Vehicles and Parts, with the participation of the Ministry of the Environment, the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, representatives of local governments, and the media. This year, in addition to the topic of the impact of motor vehicles on the environment, it is focused on raising awareness to the need of expanding the infrastructure that will support new electric vehicles, as well as new mobility solutions, financial and other incentives for the development of ecomobility - sustainable mobility for the future.

What is new at this year’s Ecomobility?

This year, for the first time, the event will feature panels on "green financing", applications and technological solutions that are applied in mobility, air traffic as one segment of traffic that affects pollution.

Exhibitors and participants in the event

Exhibitors are manufacturers, importers and distributors of vehicles: cars, bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles, scooters, commercial vehicles, vans and buses with eco-friendly drive that reduce the CO2 emission, companies/services that reduce the number of vehicles in traffic through sharing, i.e. "car sharing" and encourage urban micromobility. In addition to the aforementioned, exhibitors are manufacturers and importers of electric chargers, operators of electric charger networks, producers of solar and other green electricity, as well as air traffic operators. Exhibitors are also other companies engaged in innovation in the field of alternative, more ecological drives and fuel. Members of the State Administration, the Ministry of the Environment of the Republic of Serbia, banks, insurance companies, representatives of relevant state institutions and non-governmental organizations, the media, and members of the diplomatic corps are among the participants. They also represent organizations that represent the interests of exhibitors.


Who are the visitors?

All citizens who are interested in this topic and want to see live new models of two-wheelers, three-wheelers, and four-wheelers in a lovely environment in the heart of Belgrade are welcome to attend.

Time and venue

November 8th, 9th and 10th, 2022. MTS Hall, Belgrade



  • 10:00h - 11:00hOpening ceremony

    Panel discussing incentives for switching to electrified vehicles: "Financial and non-financial incentives of state administration and local self-government"

      The panel discusses the environmental effects of vehicles, changes in the automotive industry, including the promotion of more electric and hybrid models and alternative fuels, opportunities and frameworks for promoting the purchase of less polluting vehicles, challenges and infrastructure-related constraints, and the cost of new technologies. Also, the contribution of the state administration and local self-government in increasing the share of electrified vehicles.

  • 11:00h - 11:15hBreak

  • 11:15h - 12:00hPanel - Development and investment in the infrastructure of electric chargers

    "Development of the electric charger network"   Similar to last year, we are addressing the issue of how much infrastructure and legislation can support new financial and technological solutions, such as the increasing need for less polluting vehicles, new ownership and financing models, and a vast infrastructure network. Is change possible and at what speed in a society whose fleet is only about 17.4 years old? How far have we come with infrastructure development and how will we proceed?
  • 12:00h - 13:00hLunch Break

  • 13:00h - 13:45hPanel: The media's influence in promoting ecomobility education

    "Private and social media in the service of ecomobility"   The discussion panel addresses how the media affects public awareness of emerging ecomobility options and their promotion. To what extent do the media publish educational content, and to what extent are most publications sensational and not realistic? Is advertising used for company promotion and commercial content while little is known about the real impact, legal framework and technologies? Do companies invest to provide media education so that the content published is of higher quality? How do influencers contribute to the true/distorted image of ecomobility?
  • 13:45h - 14:00hBreak

  • 14:00h - 14:45hPanel: How can infrastructure and regulations be developed to promote the use of bicycles?

    “Bicycles, infrastructure and regulations”   The panel discusses the topic of basic infrastructure and regulatory frameworks that would enable cycling to expand as an environmentally friendly form of transportation, as well as the topic of circumstances for the growth of bicycle use.
  • 19:00h - 23:00hReception and VIP cocktail


  • 10:00h - 10:45hPanel - Green credits and financing of sustainable projects:

    "Green financial challenge"

      The panel deals with financial products and new financial initiatives that can support environmentally friendly and sustainable projects, as well as finance the purchase of "green" vehicles for individuals and companies.

  • 10:45h - 11:00hBreak

  • 11:00h - 11:45hPanel - Green cities in the region

    "Green cities around us and people in them”   The panel will showcase instances of best practices that have been used in Ljubljana through the lens of that city's successful "greening" and provide insights into the possibilities of introducing environmental initiatives in Serbian cities.
  • 11:45h - 13:00hLunch Break

  • 13:00h - 13:45hPanel - Insurance companies and the green challenge

    "How insurance companies can help"   The discussion panel concentrates on the impact and function of insurance companies in upgrading the offer and creating better conditions for individuals and companies to purchase "environmental" vehicles.
  • 13:45h - 14:00hBreak

  • 14:00h - 14:45hPanel - Technological solutions in ecomobility

    "Implementation of applications and new IT solutions"   The panel deals with the popular topic of incorporating new technological solutions and applications in new mobility models, as well as innovative projects to expand the concept of ecomobility.
  • 15:00h - 16:00hTBA

  • 20:00h - 23:00hParty Time


  • 10:00h - 20:00hExhibition of eco-friendly vehicles and related program.






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